Thursday, November 29, 2007

Spicy Corn

Last night I felt like spicing up my veggies. So I literally spiced it up and it was great!! I didn't measure anything since I was just making it up, but this is pretty close.

1 can of corn drained
1 TBS butter
2 slices pepper jack cheese
2 pinches dried chopped rosemary
1/8 tsp oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
(You can totally use chopped onion and garlic but I don't because Trav doesn't like it. I would use 1 clove garlic or 2 if you are a garlic fanatic. And like 1/2 a small onion just saute them up first before adding the corn)
Add the butter and corn into a pan. Let it warm over med heat for 5 min.
Then add all the spices stir and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Then added the crumbles cheese and let melt, stir it.

It is pretty easy but really good. Travis ate his veggies and didn't complain!

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